Yearly archives: 2017

Draft Jetty Road Masterplan

The Draft Jetty Road Masterplan has a number of welcome features, including a 30km/h speed limit and a sensible way of dealing with the notorious Stop 16 tram stop.  (SA’s […]

Our submission to the parliamentary inquiry

The State Parliament’s Legislative Review Committee has established an inquiry into parking and traffic movement.  We have no idea of the agenda behind its establishment, but we couldn’t resist the […]

Parliamentary inquiry into parking and traffic.

The state parliament’s Legislative Review Committee is conducting an inquiry into traffic and parking. The terms of reference are: The regulation by local government of parking and traffic movement in […]


Our AGM will be held 6.30, 18 May. The guest speaker will be David Pisoni, MLA and Shadow Minister for Transport. Read more about the event here.

Minister promises to look at bollards

BISA’s campaign against badly designed bollards has reached parliament, with Minister Malinauskas promising to look into the issue, in response to questions by Hons Mark Parnell and Kelly Vincent. You […]


Bollards are often irritating, and many of us have damaged our bikes or ourselves by hitting a bollard. After a cyclist was killed last year by hitting a bollard in Goolwa, BISA has decided enough is enough, and is campaigning to get dangerous and unreasonably obstructive bollards removed.
We aroused the “disappointment” of the Adelaide City Council with this campaign, so to be fair to them, we are trying to find one of their bollards that meets standards set for bollards. A midi-sized Haighs chocolate frog will go to someone who identifies such a bollard.
But if none is identified, the frog will go to the person who identifies the worst bollard anywhere in South Australia. More to the point, we will campaign to get it removed!

City Bikeways Consultation Report

The City Bikeways Consultation Report has been posted. You can find it here: 20170228 ACC City BIkeways Consultation Council Agenda paper It canvasses the views of businesses, residents, cyclists, professionals […]