Overpass ramp on the western side.
An update from the Torrens2Torrens Project today tells us that: “Weather permitting, the shared use path is scheduled to open at 8am on Tuesday 31 July. There will still be some finishing works to complete along the shared use path and as such, some temporary closures of the path outside of peak hour periods (10am – 3pm) may be required, until full completion of works. We will install advance warning signage to alert users if temporary closures are required.
As noted, there is still some of the brickwork to be completed so the ramp leading up to the bridge will be narrowed using temp fencing and bollards so the workers can keep laying the bricks. Unfortunately cyclists will need to dismount due to the width of the gap on the ramp but hopefully this will only be for a couple of weeks.”
Who’s going to go down in history as the first to ride over? Whoever you are, we’ll need the photographic evidence! 😉

Eastern Overpass ramp, Coglin Street crossing.

Dog-leg ramp to McInnes Street,eastern side.