Sustainable transport is at the heart of Adelaide’s success as a people friendly and environmentally responsible city. Adelaide thrives on the fun and freedom that comes from cycling.
To engage the passion of the Adelaide cycling community and advocate for a direct, connected, safe and pleasant bicycle network across Greater Adelaide, connected to a superb regional cycling network.
Participatory, open, inclusive, evidence based, fun and collaborative
An independent, voluntary group lobbying Government to bring about improved conditions for everyday riders that:
From The Cyclists Protection Association to The Bicycle Institute of South Australia to Bike Adelaide – we have a proud history.
Bike Adelaide meetings are held at The Joinery, 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide starting at 6:30pm, usually on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. All members are welcome to attend. Please ring David if you are coming along on 0402416210
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Cygnet Systems is proudly supporting Bike Adelaide with professional IT solutions. Contact Cygnet for a no-obligation consultation and take the first step towards reliable IT!